Maintenance Policy

Ever wonder what items are your responsibility and what needs to be handled by either the Condominium or Association? Here’s a chart that might help answer that question!

In the event of a loss covered by insurance, the Condo policy will cover the exterior of the building and the interior as it was originally offered. Your personal insurance is responsible for any improvements or betterments made to your unit. For your own protection, be sure you have adequate homeowners insurance coverage — a Condominium HO6 policy if you own your unit. (Renters should check with their Insurance Agent.)

Item Association/Condominium Unit Owner
Clubhouse, pool & tennis court  All Association  None  
Roadways & parking areas  All Association  None
Street lights  All Association None 
Sidewalks  All Association  None
Storm sewers  All Association  None
Sanitary sewers  All Association except pipes which  service more than one unit   All piping within & outside unit until it joins with a pipe serving other units
Front shrubbery & beds; Also rear for Chappelle Villas All Association except owner plantings Whatever owner plants  
Concrete stoops & steps All Association  None 
Chimneys All Condo None
Roofs & vents All Condo None
Gutters & downspouts All Condo  None 
Outside walls All Condo None 
All basement walls & floors All Condo  None 
Party walls  All Condo  None 
Patios & balconies (Not enclosed) All Condo None
Unit interiors  None   All, including wiring; plumbing which services your unit & all associated leak damages
Furnaces, hot water tanks & A/C units  None All 
Windows    Exterior trim;  sash painting & caulking  Entire window including glass, frames, screens &  storm windows
Townhouse exterior doors  Paint, caulking & trim  Entire door, glass & trim
Townhouse front storm door Condo Changing glass/screen
Garden Unit exterior doors Entire door including paint, caulk, trim & glass None
Garden Unit hallway doors  Painting common area side of door & numbers  Door & all hardware 
Sliding glass doors Exterior painting & caulking  Entire door, glass, hardware & screens
Exterior patio/balcony storage unit door Painting & replacement of door All hardware (All if enclosed)
Basement door, Garden Unit  All Condo  None 
Basement storage door, Garden Units   None in CO. In CV, painting hall side of door & numbers All  
Townhouse patios, grass & shrubbery  None  All
Townhouse gates  Seal & stain  Gate & hardware
Townhouse fences All Condo None
Townhouse light fixtures by front door  All Condo  None
Townhouse light fixtures by rear door  None  All
Front lighting fixtures on Garden Units  All Condo  None
Patio & balcony lights on Garden Units  None  All
Common area hall & basement lights  All Condo  None
Exterior flood lights All Condo  None
Light fixture in basement storage area  All Condo in CO  All owner in CV
Garage doors  Condo does exterior trim; painting& caulking of doors & frames  Door, hardware, tracks & opener 
Sump pumps  All Condo  None
Electric service   Niagara Mohawk services transformers & lines feeding them; Association is responsible for wires from transformer to meter Wiring from meter into unit; all interior wiring  
Gas service   National Fuel Gas services up to first fitting at entrance to unit Interior piping from meter to appliances
Water lines  Common supply, including lines which pass through one unit to service others & all lines servicing more than one unit All interior piping
Telephone   New York Telephone services wiring up to the demarcation point inside unit  All interior equipment 
Cable television Adelphia Basic for CO Owner installed wiring in CO;All in CV
The above list was updated on November 4, 2004