Charter Communities Association, Inc. Rules

(Revised 2009)


“Association” can be thought of as the “grounds”. It includes parking areas, lawns, the pool,  tennis court and the Clubhouse. Flowers and shrubs belong to the Association, as does snow removal and concrete work.

The rules that follow apply to all 284 units — all are members of the Charter Communities Association. In other words, the following rules apply to everyone living in either Charter Oaks or Chappelle Villas.


Rules and Regulations Applicable to Charter Communities Association, Inc.

Please Note:

In order for action to be taken on a complaint, it MUST be submitted in writing, to the Management Office. Although it is signed, this information will remain confidential. The complaint must be specific – who, what, where, and when. It can be handwritten, or typed, but must be signed. It need not be formal, but must include the pertinent facts… who did it, what they did, when they did it, and where (approximately) they did it. You will get a copy of the letter that will then be sent to the offender. (If you do not get a copy of this letter within a week, please contact one of the Board Presidents or other Board members.)


Rules and Regulations Applicable to Charter Communities Association

(The Grounds – All Charter Oaks and Chappelle Villas A, B & C Residents)

1. Common parking areas and roadways are not to be used as play areas.This includes the handicap ramp at the Clubhouse.

2. Satellite dishes are not allowed on common property.

3. Fences, gates, storage areas, etc., shall not be erected on the property without the prior approval of the Board.

4. Except for seasonal plantings approved by the Grounds Committee, no unit owner or tenant shall move, remove, add, or otherwise change the landscape of the common areas. Fruit and vegetable plantings are not allowed outside of the patio or balcony. Fake flowers are not permitted in front of the units. Storage of any items is prohibited. Bikes may only be stored on patios.

5. Vehicles belonging to a unit owner or to a member of their family, guest, tenant or employee shall park in designated areas only between the yellow lines, and shall not be parked in such a manner as to impede or prevent ready access to any entrance or exit from a parking spot or garage.

6. Recreational, unlicensed, or commercial vehicles (unless used in connection with the construction or maintenance of the property) shall not be permitted on the property unless garaged. This also includes vehicles weighing more than three tons or any vehicle bearing lettering or signs used in advertising any type of business or having more than four tires or containing visible tools/equipment.

7. Boats, campers, recreational vehicles, snowmobiles, minibikes, ATV’s or similar vehicles shall not be operated on or stored on any portion of the property except in designated areas.

8. Any work on a motor vehicle, boat or machine, etc. shall not be permitted outdoors on the property. This includes personal vehicle repairs, oil changes, draining of radiators, etc. Washing of cars is permitted on paved parking areas only.

9. Pick up of large items – please contact the Management office for details.

10. This complex supports the New York State Clean Indoor Air Act. Smoking in all of the interior common elements is prohibited.

11. Bird feeders and bird houses, if placed in the common area, must be at least ten feet from a building. Bird feeders must have a tray attached to the underside to collect falling seeds. Feeding any other wildlife is also prohibited. Use of bird baths is not allowed.

12. If you have been assigned a handicapped parking space, you must park in that space. Failure to park in your handicapped parking space may result in losing your assigned space.

13. During the winter months, November 1 – April 1, you must move your vehicle within a reasonable period of time after a snow fall to allow the snow plow to clear the snow. A reasonable period of time is no later than 24 hours after a snow fall.

14. During the winter months, November 1 – April 1, you must park your vehicle a foot away from the sidewalk to allow for proper snow removal of the sidewalks and to insure no damage to your vehicle.

Violation of the above rules will result in a fine if the violation continues after a warning has been received.